!* Phil Budne, December 1981 -*-TECO-*- ! !~FILENAME~:! !Commands to Enable and Disable Twenex process capabilities! PCAP !& Setup PCAP Library:! !S Initalize PCAP code buffer! 0m.v PCAP_Code !* Create register for PCAP code buffer!  !& Execute PCAP code buffer:! !S Execute magic "PCAP code" buffer. Loads PCAP Code buffer from Emacs:Pcap.Code file. Executes binary code via FS Real Addr. Saves process capability word in PCAP word. If given no args; just returns privs If any post comma argument; sets PCAP to ^Y.! [..O !* Save current buffer! QPCAP_CodeF"N U..O' !* Get code if it exists! "# FS B Create F[ D File !* Else, create new buffer, save state! ER EMACS:PCAP.CODE FY EC !* Read code into buffer! Q..O UPCAP_Code' !* And save it for future! !* Execute the buffer, using args given us! !* and save value! ff"G M(FS Real Addr/5)m.v PCAP_Word' "# M(FS Real Addr/5)m.v PCAP_Word'  !Enable Capabilities:! !C Enable process capabilities! -1m(m.m &_Execute_PCAP_code_buffer) !* Enable all process caps ! 0fo..q PCAP_Enable_Hook"N m(qPCAP_Enable_Hook)' !* Execute hook macro!  !Disable Capabilities:! !C Disable process capabilities! 0M(M.M &_Execute_PCAP_code_buffer) !* Zero all process caps ! 0fo..q PCAP_Disable_Hook"N m(QPCAP_Disable_Hook)' !* Execute hook macro!  !List Enabled Capabilities:! !C List enabled job/process capabilities! M(M.M &_Execute_PCAP_code_buffer) !* Return process caps! !* Tops-20 Rel 5 PCAP bits! 777777.&qPCAP_Word "e Ft No_process_capabilities_enabled ' !* Now, type real privs! "#Ft Process_capabilities:  400000.&qPCAP_Word "n Ft ____ Wheel '200000.&qPCAP_Word "n Ft ____ Operator '100000.&qPCAP_Word "n Ft ____ Confidential_Information_Access '040000.&qPCAP_Word "n Ft ____ Maintenance '020000.&qPCAP_Word "n Ft ____ IPCF '010000.&qPCAP_Word "n Ft ____ ENQ/DEQ '004000.&qPCAP_Word "n Ft ____ ARPA_Net_Wizard '002000.&qPCAP_Word "n Ft ____ ARPA_Net_Absolute_sockets '001000.&qPCAP_Word "n Ft ____ DECnet_access '000400.&qPCAP_Word "n Ft ____ ARPA_net_access '000377.&qPCAP_Word "n Ft ____ ??_Funny_bits '' 777777000000.&qPCAP_Word "n !* Any Job caps? (Lh)! Ft Job_capabilities:  400000000000.&qPCAP_Word "n Ft ____ ^C '200000000000.&qPCAP_Word "n Ft ____ Getab '100000000000.&qPCAP_Word "n Ft ____ Map_Monitor '040000000000.&qPCAP_Word "n Ft ____ Logging '020000000000.&qPCAP_Word "n Ft ____ Map_priviledged_pages '010000000000.&qPCAP_Word "n Ft ____ Special_devices '004000000000.&qPCAP_Word "n Ft ____ Assign_TTY_as_controlling_for_fork_(SCTTY) '000400000000.&qPCAP_Word "n Ft _____Superior_access '000001000000.&qPCAP_Word "n Ft ____ Freeze_on_terminating_conditions '003376000000.&qPCAP_Word "n Ft ____ ??_Extra_Bits '' 0