Title Pcap - Load into Emacs to play with Proc. Cap. word Subttl Phil Budne / Chris Smith, Dec. 1981 Search Monsym Rim10 Loc 0 ;; Rename Pcap.rel to Pcap.Code ;; For use in Emacs Pcap library ;; nM(fs real address$/5) sets rt half caps to n and returns actual caps set ;; If n is absent pcaps are only returned. skip ;Never skips trzn 1 ;Eat arg, skip if we got one jrst getcap(5) ;No arg; just get cap word hrro 2,3 ;Set all process caps, move 3,2 ; using specified user caps movei 1,.fhslf ;For THIS fork epcap ;Enable Process Capabilities trna ;Allways skips - return value getcap: movei 1,.fhslf ;Us rpcap ;Read ... move 1,3 ;Put value in 1 aos (17) ;Say we have a value in 1 popj 17, ;...Lambda bound end